Extensions - MathML

The MathML Extension package, com.singularsys.extensions.mathml, provides facilities to convert to and from the Content-MathML format. By using suitable transformations Presentation-MathML can also be produced.

MathML builder

The MathMLContentBuilder converts Jep expressions to org.w3c.dom.Document objects containing Content-MathML.

  Jep jep = new Jep();
  MathMLContentBuilder mcb = new MathMLContentBuilder(jep);
  MathMLTransformerFactory mft = new MathMLTransformerFactory();

  // Convert a jep expression to xml
  Node eqn = jep.parse("sin(1.23)");
  Document doc = mcb.buildDocument(eqn);

The document can then be output to Files, String and other sources using a javax.xml.transform.Transformer.

  // Produce a string representation
  TransformerFactory ft = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
  Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
  DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
  StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
  t.transform(source, result);
  String res = result.toString();

The output of the Transformer can be configure by using setOutputProperty(String key,String value) method. The javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys class contains valid keys and MathMLConstants contains MathML related constants. For example a Transformer could be configured to output the xml deceleration, the standard MathML DTD, and indent the output using


Presentation markup can be obtained by using the mmlctop2_0.xsl stylesheet.

  Jep jep = new Jep();
  MathMLContentBuilder mcb = new MathMLContentBuilder(jep);
  MathMLTransformerFactory mft = new MathMLTransformerFactory();

  // Convert a jep expression to xml
  Node eqn = jep.parse("sin(1.23)");
  Document doc = mcb.buildDocument(eqn);
  // Convert to presentation using a stylesheet
  File sheet = new File("mmlctop2_0.xsl"); // Insert path to local stylesheet here
  StreamSource style = new StreamSource(sheet);
  Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(style);
  String res = this.docToString(doc, t);

Note: The x=5 assignment does not have obvious representation in MathML3. The standard setup uses the <equivalent/> relation in Content markup. This translates to <mo>&#x2261;</mo> (≡) in Presentation markup with the standard style sheet. It could be changed with

mcb.getOperatorBuilder().put(jep.getOperatorTable().getAssign(), "eq");

Or by using a custom and MathMLFragmentBuilder in the second argument.


MathML parser

The MathMLContentParser parses XML input containing Content-MathML and produces a jep expression.

  Jep jep = new Jep();
  MathMLContentParser mcp = MathMLContentParser(jep);

  // Convert xml to a jep node
  String xml="<math><apply><sin/><cn>1.23</cn></apply></math>";
  Node node = mcp.parseSingle(xml);

The parser can strip the mathml from the an xhtml document using the MathMLContentParser.parseAllMath.

