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Package com.singularsys.extensions.matrix.genericmat

Generic implementations for constructing vectors and matrices where all the elements are of type <E>.

See: Description

Package com.singularsys.extensions.matrix.genericmat Description

Generic implementations for constructing vectors and matrices where all the elements are of type <E>. These classes are used as the basic for most of the types of matrices provided.

To use the concrete implementations of the GenericMatrix, GenericVector, GenericMatrixFactory, and GenericMatrixField Should be provided.

See com.singularsys.extensions.matrix.complexmat package for a typical implementation. For example vectors and matrices where all the elements are Complex numbers. First the types ComplexMatrix and ComplexVector are implemented.

public class ComplexMatrix extends GenericMatrix<Complex> {

    protected ComplexMatrix(Object[][] data) {

    public void setEle(int row, int col, Object val) throws EvaluationException {
        if(val instanceof Complex)
            this.setEleG(row, col, (Complex) val);
            throw new EvaluationException("Complex matrix setEle: element at "+row+", "+col+" should be Complex. It was "+val.toString());

public class ComplexVector extends GenericVector<Complex> {

    public ComplexVector(Object[] data) {

    public void setEle(int index, Object val) throws EvaluationException {
        if(val instanceof Complex)
            this.setEleG(index, (Complex) val);
            throw new EvaluationException("Complex vector setEle: element at "+index+" should be Complex. It was "+val.toString());

The Factory

public class ComplexMatrixFactory extends 
    GenericMatrixFactory<Complex> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 340L;

    // Call superclass construction with values for 0 and 1.
    public ComplexMatrixFactory() {
        super(new Complex(0.0,0.0),new Complex(1.0,0.0));

    // Attempt to convert an item to type for this class
    public Complex elementValue(Object o) {
        if(o instanceof Complex)
            return (Complex) o;
        return null;

    // If possible convert to an integer 
    public Integer intValue(Object o) throws EvaluationException {
        if(o instanceof Complex) {
            Complex c = (Complex) o;
        if( != 0.0) return null;
            Double d =;
            int i = d.intValue();
            if( i == d)
                return i;
        return null;

    // build a matrix given a set of data known to be of the correct type
    public ComplexMatrix newMatrixUnchecked(Object[][] data) {
        return new ComplexMatrix(data);

    // build a vector known to be of the correct type
    public ComplexVector newVectorUnchecked(Object[] data) {
        return new ComplexVector(data);

    public ComplexMatrix cast(MatrixI m) {
        return (ComplexMatrix) m;

    public ComplexVector cast(VectorI v) {
        return (ComplexVector) v;

And finally the MatrixField

public final class ComplexMatrixField extends 
    GenericMatrixField<Complex> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 330L;

    public ComplexMatrixField(
            ComplexMatrixFactory mf) {

    protected Complex addEle(Complex l, Complex r) throws EvaluationException {
        return l.add(r);


Using a GenericField<E>

If the operations on the base field are provided by a sub class of GenericField then the and GenericMatrixFactory and GenericFieldMatrixField can be used. The RationalMatrixFactory and The RationalMatrixTest are an example implementation. Note that the Vector and Matrix classes are (non static) inner classes of the Matrix Factory.

Jep 3.5 / Extensions 2.0
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