Interface PostfixMathCommandI

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Abs, AbstractInc, Add, ArcCosine, ArcCosineH, ArcSine, ArcSineH, ArcTangent, ArcTangent2, ArcTanH, Arg, ArrayFunctionBase, Assign, Average, BigDecAdd, BigDecDiv, BigDecMod, BigDecMul, BigDecNegate, BigDecPow, BigDecRelational, BigDecSub, BinaryFunction, Binomial, BitAnd, BitComp, BitOr, BitXor, Case, Ceil, Comparative, ComplexPFMC, Concat, Conjugate, ConstantFunction, Cosecant, Cosine, CosineH, Cotangent, Cross, Divide, Dot, Ele, Exp, ExtendedOperatorSet.Factorial, Floor, FromBase, Identity, If, Imaginary, IsInfinite, IsNaN, IsNull, IsType, LazyLogical, Left, Length, List, Logarithm, LogBase2, Logical, LogTwoArg, LowerCase, LShift, MacroFunction, Mid, MinMax, Modulus, Multiply, NaryBinaryFunction, NaryFunction, NaturalLogarithm, Not, NullLazyLogical, NullSafeEquals, NullWrappedIf, NullWrapperBinary, NullWrapperNary, NullWrapperNaryBinary, NullWrapperPfmc, NullWrapperUnary, OpEquals, Polar, PostDec, PostfixMathCommand, PostInc, Power, PreDec, PreInc, Random, Real, Remainder, Right, RInt, Round, RoundSF, RShift, Secant, Signum, Sine, SineH, SquareRoot, Str, StrictNaturalLogarithm, Substring, Subtract, Sum, Switch, SwitchDefault, Tangent, TanH, TernaryConditional, ToBase, Trim, UMinus, UnaryFunction, UpperCase, URShift, VSum

public interface PostfixMathCommandI

All function classes must implement this interface to ensure that the run() method is implemented.

Method Summary
 boolean checkNumberOfParameters(int n)
          Checks the number of parameters of the function.
 java.lang.String getName()
 int getNumberOfParameters()
          Returns the number of required parameters, or -1 if any number of parameters is allowed.
 void run(java.util.Stack<java.lang.Object> aStack)
          Run the function on the stack.
 void setCurNumberOfParameters(int n)
          Sets the number of current number of parameters used in the next call of run().
 void setName(java.lang.String name)

Method Detail


void run(java.util.Stack<java.lang.Object> aStack)
         throws EvaluationException
Run the function on the stack. Pops the arguments from the stack, and pushes the result on the top of the stack.



int getNumberOfParameters()
Returns the number of required parameters, or -1 if any number of parameters is allowed.


void setCurNumberOfParameters(int n)
Sets the number of current number of parameters used in the next call of run(). This method is only called when the reqNumberOfParameters is -1.


boolean checkNumberOfParameters(int n)
Checks the number of parameters of the function. This method is called during the parsing of the equation to check syntax. Functions which set numberOfParameter=-1 should overwrite this method.

n - number of parameters function will be called with.
False if an illegal number of parameters is supplied, true otherwise.


java.lang.String getName()


void setName(java.lang.String name)

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